I am running Postfix 1.1.11-1 / SA 2.31 /Mysql 3.23.49. This machine acts as
an inbound relay to our local Imail server. I am xperiencing the same issue
as Dmitry, spamc is run as user filter and all messages are checked against
user filters' preferences. If I add a GLOBAL user to mysql, then all
messages are checked against that user.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I enclose the conf and output from maillog information.

spamd is run as spamd -D -d -q -x -F 0
spamc is invoked in script filter.sh, included below.


Jun 21 11:40:06 lion spamd[12499]: connection from localhost.localdomain [ ] at port 56578
Jun 21 11:40:06 lion spamd[12499]: logmsg: connection from
localhost.localdomain [ ] at port 56578
Jun 21 11:40:06 lion spamd[26376]: debug: retrieving prefs for filter from
SQL server
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: running header regexp tests; score
so far=0
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: running body-text per-line regexp
tests; score so far=-2
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: running uri tests; score so far=-2
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: uri tests: Done uriRE
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: running raw-body-text per-line
regexp tests; score so far=-2
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: running full-text regexp tests;
score so far=-2
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Razor2 is not available
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Razor is not available
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: spam-phrase score:
1.83205851898861: hits: all you, mailing list, please send, thank you, what
you, you for
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: DCC is available: 1.1.2
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: DCC: got response:
X-DCC-servers-Metrics: lion.rttinc.com 1049; Body=1 Fuz1=1 Fuz2=1
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_DSBL but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_MULTIHOP_DSBL but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_ORBS but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_RELAYS_ORDB_ORG but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_RFCI but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
RCVD_IN_VISI but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
X_OSIRU_DUL_FH but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
X_OSIRU_SPAMWARE_SITE but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
X_OSIRU_SPAM_SRC but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
X_RCVD_IN_DUL_FH but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
X_RCVD_IN_UNCONFIRMED_DSBL but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
FUDGE_DUL_MAPS_OSIRU but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
FUDGE_DUL_OSIRU_FH but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
FUDGE_MULTIHOP_RELAY but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Ran run_rbl_eval_test rule
FUDGE_RELAY_OSIRU but did not get hit
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: AWL active, pre-score: -2, mean:
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: Post AWL score: -2
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: debug: is spam? score=-2 required=85
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: clean message (-2.0/85.0) for filter:502
in   1 seconds, 4407 bytes.
Jun 21 11:40:07 lion spamd[26376]: logmsg: clean message (-2.0/85.0) for
filter:502 in   1 seconds, 4407 bytes.


smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd -o

filter    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
 flags=Rq user=filter argv=/usr/local/anomy/filter.sh -f ${sender} --




export ANOMY

# Exit codes from <sysexits.h>

cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# Clean up when done or when aborting.
trap "rm -f in.$$; rm -f out.$$" 0 1 2 3 15

cat | $SPAMASSASSIN -f > out.$$ || { echo Message content rejected; exit

$SENDMAIL "$@" < out.$$

exit $?

> I have spamd in background and spamass-milt+sendmail.
> All user preferences are stored in pgsql DBMS. The
> problem is that each time spamd checking message it
> takes preferences  of user root for ANY e-mail
> message. I'm running spamd under root account with
> switches -a -x -q -D

> Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong or where could
> be a solution?

> Thanx a lot,
> Dmitry

> Movies, Music, Sports, Games! http://entertainment.yahoo.ca

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