On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 09:42:22PM -0600, Steve Cabito wrote:
> When I try to start spamd, I get:
> "Your vendor has not defined socket macro SOMAXCONN..."
> I have Perl 5.6.1 (possibly missing modules?) on an old Linux distro (kernel
> 1.2.13). What am I looking for?

A new Kernel?

perl -MSocket -e'print SOMAXCONN' should not result in an error.

Socket.pm is just a translation of socket.h
(/usr/include/linux/socket.h), so the real problem lies in the Kernel.

You REALLY should upgrade your kernel. 1.2.13 is about 7 years old
(August 1995 I think). I can somewhat understand people running
Windows 95, because they don't want to buy a new version, but linux is
free; you have no excuses!

You should upgrade at least your kernel... But if your kernel is that
out of date, I'm sure your software is too! Get Debian (either
the somewhat-obsolete "potato" (2.2) or the soon-to-be-released
"woody" (3.0)). Assuming you have a decent net connection, this
upgrade will take you only a few hours (mostly downloading).

Duncan Findlay


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