On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 07:38:00PM -0600, Michael Moncur wrote:
> The current ADVERT_CODE rule doesn't catch subjects that use the code [ADV]
> instead of ADV:. Here's the current rule:
> header ADVERT_CODE              Subject =~ /(^\s*|\s+)ADV:/i
> describe ADVERT_CODE            Subject: contains advertising tag
> and my suggested modification:
> header ADVERT_CODE              Subject =~ /(?:^\s*|\s+|\[)(?:ADV|cc)[:\]]/i
> describe ADVERT_CODE            Subject: contains advertising tag
> This would also catch the "cc:" that many spam subjects start with. I see
> more of these than ADV: these days.

Hmm... I haven't had any of those... what does "cc:" in spam mean?
Commercial crap?

On an unrelated note, I am an official Debian developer now, so
spamassassin packages will be hopefully updated more often, and
uploaded sooner.

Duncan Findlay


Don't miss the 2002 Sprint PCS Application Developer's Conference
August 25-28 in Las Vegas -- http://devcon.sprintpcs.com/adp/index.cfm

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