Rob Reid wrote:

RR> > down to list just those addresses you want to remove from the AWL.  Also, and
RR> > this is important, insert 2 blank lines at the top of the file.
RR> >
RR> > Now, run:
RR> >
RR> > spamassassin -R < addresses
RR> >
RR> > That should remove all those addresses from your AWL.
RR> I tried it (using the edited output of strings) without any luck.  Maybe
RR> because spamassassin -R expects a real email?  I've restarted my whitelist from

If you have 2 blank lines at the top, then it is a valid email as far as
spamassassin -R is concerned -- it just has no headers!  It will then treat
anything else as the message body.  But you do need those two blank lines at the
top of the message.



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