I think you'll find if you check out the "White-List" feature,
you can enabled anything sent from your domain to be skipped by SA,
regardless of content. Can't remember the directory at the moment, but look in
the docs for something list White List.
>>> "Kevin G. J. Freels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/10/02 11:26AM >>> Greetings! Forgive this newbie question if it's been posted already or documented, but I can seem to find the answer. We are getting slammed with spam lately, and I had to set this up in a hurry. I have set up SA with procmail (testing on only a few accounts for now) and am pretty pleased with the results. I think a little tweaking with the 'hits' variable will be pretty much all that we need for now until I can start playing with the whitelist and other fun stuff. We use a trouble-ticket system that the users can email to for help. This includes receiving spam messages so that we could add them to sendmail's access file as errors. However, the system adds a tag on the Subject line that denotes the ticket number. If anyone replies to the message to the ticket system, it automatically puts the comment into the ticket (for those who are curious, it's Request Tracker). All watchers on that trouble-ticket queue get copies of any comments made to the ticket from the user. So maybe you can see where this is going. User "John" forwards his spam to the TT system, it resends out his spam to the watchers. Since I'm a watcher (with SA running), it *legitimately* identifies the message as spam (since it really was and all the old data is still there) and puts it's tag and body stuff in the message. While this is not really a problem in itself, all the stuff that SA puts in the message will get included ad infinitem in the comments if any one of the watchers replies to the message? Make sense? Example: Original SPAM Subject received by user: MAKE MONEY FAST!! Subject after forward by user to [Fwd] MAKE MONEY FAST!! Subject header processed and sent out to watchers from TT system: [RT #2251] [Fwd] MAKE MONEY FAST!! Subject header actually displayed to watcher after SA processing: **** SPAM **** [RT #2251] [Fwd] MAKE MONEY FAST!! Subject header after reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from watcher and more SA processing: **** SPAM **** **** SPAM **** [RT #2251] [Fwd] MAKE MONEY FAST! What I'd like to do is set up a rule so that a) I can not "double-flag" spam, i.e., don't put "**** SPAM ****" in the Subject twice or more, and b) if it sees "[RT #" to down-weight of the message. So how do I do this? Thanks!!!!!! ....k -- *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Kevin Freels, Systems Administrator 415/553.8000 (v) Wild Brain, Inc. 415/850.3273 (c) 2650 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 415/553.8009 (f) *-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* "Just repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just relax!'" _______________________________________________________________ Have big pipes? SourceForge.net is looking for download mirrors. We supply the hardware. You get the recognition. Email Us: [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk |