On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 02:05:24AM -0700, Daniel Quinlan wrote: > Jesus Climent wrote: > > > Anyone's comments about the upload of the c code in the cvs? > > A few things off the top of my head: > > - Limit the a maximum amount of data going into body tests (max [snip] > - Order tests better. Do all tests of one type together (better for [snip] > - More work on early exit. Stop testing once you know enough, > run the expensive tests last.
I think this is important: a way to pre-match regexps. I do not want to continue checking some mails once I know they are not spam, and I want to go deeper in some cases, once I know the mail comes from an offender domain (for example). Example: Having a strict configuration in my MTA (not allowing the use of our domain for mail not coming from localhost), I do not want to check mail in MTA level (using spamd/c) originated in my own system. J -- Jesus Climent | Unix System Admin | Helsinki, Finland. www.HispaLinux.es/~data/ || www.simauria.upv.es/~data/ ------------------------------------------------------ Please, encrypt mail address to me. Download my public key from http://www.hispalinux.es/~data/public.gpg.txt ------------------------------------------------------ Registered Linux user #66350 Debian 3.0 & Linux 2.4.19
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