On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 11:39:39AM -0500, Richie Laager wrote:
> On Sunday 12 May 2002 11:21 am, Michael Stenner wrote:
> > Are other people seeing this, or do you suspect this is
> > specific to our site somehow?
> >
> > I can provide any further info you like.

Thanks for the quick reply, Richie!

It seems I wasn't quite awake... some of these clearly should have
been included in the original message :)  Sorry.

> What version of spamd/spamassassin are you running?

2.20, but this was happening with 2.1.  Of the two times that I saw,
the first was with 2.1.  I waited to upgrade to 2.20 before mailing
the list.

> I'm assuming this is Linux, so what distribution and version? 
> (Or, what version of unix?)

RHL 7.2, mostly stock.  I _AM_ using syslog-ng (1.4.14),
though... that may very well be relevant.

> What Perl version?


> Also, what are you using to rotate your logs? (logrotate?)


> Can you provide the applicable snippet of code from the log 
> rotating file?

Not sure if you mean this:

/var/log/messages {}
/var/log/secure.log {}
/var/log/mail.log {}
/var/log/spooler {
/var/log/boot.log {}
/var/log/daemon.log {}
/var/log/kern.log {}
/var/log/cron.log {
   /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart >>/dev/null

or this:   (grep spam mail.log.1 mail.log)

/var/log/mail.log.1:May 12 01:33:51 src@annapurna spamd[30987]:
connection from localhost.localdomain [ ] at port 33602
/var/log/mail.log.1:May 12 01:33:52 src@annapurna spamd[17487]: clean
message (-4.4/5.0) for icon:101 in   1 seconds.
/var/log/mail.log.1:May 12 03:10:14 src@annapurna spamd[30987]:
connection from localhost.localdomain [ ] at port 33712
/var/log/mail.log.1:May 12 03:10:15 src@annapurna spamd[18087]:
identified spam (37.6/5.0) for icon:101 in   1 seconds.
/var/log/mail.log:May 12 04:17:40 src@annapurna spamc[18922]:
connect() to spamd failed: Connection refused
/var/log/mail.log:May 12 04:33:01 src@annapurna spamc[20399]:
connect() to spamd failed: Connection refused
/var/log/mail.log:May 12 05:21:14 src@annapurna spamc[20713]:
connect() to spamd failed: Connection refused

Rotation happens as a daily cron job (although it only DOES stuff
weekly), which is at 04:02:00

> Are you having any other problems with spamd? Is it dying 
> under different circumstances?

Well, I don't THINK so, but I can't say for sure yet.  It kept dying
for a while, but I hadn't caught any pattern yet.  The only times I
KNOW it died were at sunday morning log rotation.  Granted, some other
things happen then, but I think the log rotation is the best bet.

  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305


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