On Sat, 11 May 2002, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 02:26:55PM -0500, dman wrote:


> I am using spamd, but I'm pretty sure what's killing me are the rbl
> checks.


> However, since we're going to do up to 10 queries, and each can be
> blocking, wouldn't it be better to fork for each DNS lookup (even
> optionally) and kill the children if the DNS query hasn't returned in
> x seconds? 

Why? Does having the process sitting there and sleeping on the socket
really take that much of a chunk of your systems resources?

> That way, since all the DNS queries are run in parallel, at worst, you
> spend x seconds, not some unknown and unbounded amount of time.

This increases the complexity and resource utilization of SpamAssassin
quite a bit.

> Would you agree that DNS is the reason for SA ever taking more than 5
> seconds (in spamd mode)? If so, are my fork/dns suggestions
> reasonable?
> Or am I way off and is there another problem?

I don't know that it's actually a /problem/ as such, at least as long as
you are not trying to use SMTP as a real-time control system. :)


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