
i was having great trouble getting whitelist_from to work correctly.
then i discovered what the problem was: i was using the -S option to
improve performance.  doing so, however, also seems to completely
disable the whitelist feature.  this is because, apparently, the
whitelist weighting is only added at the *end* of the scoring process
(see example below).

is this really the desired behavior?  in light of this, would it not
perhaps be better to have spamassassin always add the whitelist score
*first* in the scoring process?  if so, it probably would also be wise
to have -S stop on a configurable minimum threshold as well (e.g.,
-100); otherwise, -S will be of no benefit to whitelisted messages
(i.e., such messages will be let through but will always undergo full
content analysis, which isn't needed since they are whitelisted).



# cat spam_msg.txt | spamassassin -t -L -D -S

SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ----------------------
SPAM: This mail is probably spam.  The original message has been altered
SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future.
SPAM: See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.
SPAM: Content analysis details:   (5.6 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: Hit! (4.3 points)  Reply-To: is empty
SPAM: Hit! (1.3 points)  Received via SMTPD32 server (SMTPD32-n.n)
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------

the message is flagged as spam.  now, drop the -S option:

SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ----------------------
SPAM: This mail is probably spam.  The original message has been altered
SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future.
SPAM: See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.
SPAM: Content analysis details:   (-84.1 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: Hit! (4.3 points)  Reply-To: is empty
SPAM: Hit! (1.3 points)  Received via SMTPD32 server (SMTPD32-n.n)
SPAM: Hit! (1.0 point)   From: ends in numbers
SPAM: Hit! (0.5 points)  Subject has an exclamation mark
SPAM: Hit! (1.5 points)  BODY: Asks you to click below
SPAM: Hit! (0.2 points)  BODY: No such thing as a free lunch (1)
SPAM: Hit! (2.3 points)  BODY: List removal information
SPAM: Hit! (1.6 points)  BODY: Mentions Spam Law "UCE-Mail Act"
SPAM: Hit! (1.0 point)   BODY: No such thing as a free lunch (3)
SPAM: Hit! (0.9 points)  BODY: Mentions Spam law "H.R. 3113"
SPAM: Hit! (1.3 points)  URI: Includes a link to a likely spammer email address
SPAM: Hit! (-100.0 points) From: address is in the user's white-list
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------

the message is correctly whitelisted and allowed through.

just for the record, i am running spamassassin v2.20 on redhat 7.2.



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