On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 01:54:22PM -0700, Robert Leonard wrote:
> When I use the ./configure command from Qmail-Scanner I get an error
> stating..
> "Something like SpamAssassin SpamC is present, but not working, -
> ignoring..."

Well you could have looked in the ./configure script :-)

         DD="$SPAMC_BINARY $SA_HN < ./contrib/spamc-nice.eml"
         if [ "$?" != "0" -o "echo $DD|grep 'X-Spam-Status: No'" = "" ];
           echo "Something like the SpamAssassin spamc is present, but not
working - ignoring..."


So it ran "spamc < ./contrib/spamc-nice.eml" (which is not spam) and the
output from spamc didn't contain 'X-Spam-Status: No'. i.e. spamd is NOT
working correctly.

That will need to be fixed before Qmail-Scanner will bother to use it.


Jason Haar

Information Security Manager
Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417


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