On Sat, 04 May 2002, Kaitlin Duck Sherwood wrote:
> Craig said:
>>   > There's a lot of nonspam which uses I-M-G too, thing like Amazon
>>   > order confirmations, fancier newsletters, etc, etc.
> Though those are easy to whitelist. Is the philosophy here to assume
> that the user isn't whitelisting? (<- That's not a hostile question, I
> just don't know.)

In my opinion -- and I am not a core developer here -- it should be.
Whitelisting should be a "nothing else works" solution, not an
assumption that everything is that way.

The main reason for this, of course, is that I use SpamAssassin because
I get five to ten times the volume of SPAM through mailing lists to
which I am subscribed that I do directly.

So, whitelisting any mailing list service is, for me, a loss overall.


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