I get a few of these and almost without exception they don't hit any
existing rule. So, how about:

body WANT_TO_DRIVE      /(want|need|desire|like).{,20}(drivers?[ \t]+)?licen[sc]e/i
describe WANT_TO_DRIVE  Asks if you want a drivers license.

full INTERNATIONAL_LICENSE /international.{1,15}(drivers?.{1,15})?licen[cs]e/i 
describe INTERNATIONAL_LICENSE Tries to sell you on an international license.

full LEGAL_MANY_PLACES  /legal.{1,15}[0-9]+(state|count|cit|countr)(ys?|ies)/i
describe LEGAL_MANY_PLACES If it was legal everywhere, would you need to advertise the 


Why could one never do a natural thing without having to
screen it behind a structure of artifice?
        -- Edith Wharton,  _House of Mirth_


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