I get the following messages all the time. Since I read my mail in Pine in
Linux I have no idea what they are. They have attachments with no text.
They may also have the text "I need your advice on this" or some such
nonsense. The attachment is usually a  .pif file that shows up with the
type  "Audio/X-WAV" as below.  SA does not catch it as spam. At least not
with the stock settings. I assume it is spam or a virus. I can't be the
only one getting this crap. How are others dealing with it?


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 25 09:06:46 2002
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 08:02:32 -0500
From: cdoyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Secretary

    [ Part 1, Text/HTML  4 lines. ]
    [ Unable to print this part. ]

    [ Part 2, Audio/X-WAV  128KB. ]
    [ Unable to print this part. ]

    [ Part 4, Application/OCTET-STREAM (Name: "foff_fam")  16KB. ]
    [ Unable to print this part. ]


*  Doug Crompton           *
*  Richboro, PA 18954      *
*  215-431-6307            *
*                          *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]        *
* http://www.crompton.com  *

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