On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Myers, Jon wrote:

> new install, and tested the sample-spam.txt using spamassassin -P -D
> and it detected as spam, gave all the warnings, etc..
> Now, I run spamd -d -x -a then spamc -d < sample-spam.txt
> and it comes back without any spam tags (nothing saying OK, nothing
> saying not ok).

  This is a shot in the dark, but I filed bug 245 because if you start
spamd with the -a switch (auto-whitelists), each user that calls spamc
must have a ~/.spamassassin folder or the message doesn't get processed (I
*think* because spamd can't create the auto-whitelist.lock file in that

  If you don't have that folder create it (mkdir ~/.spamassissin) and see
if that fixes your problem.

  Here's the bug I filed:


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