On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 04:53:50PM +0100, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 Apr 2002 4:12 pm, Viraj Alankar wrote:
> > $sa_obj is re-used for every new message that is scanned. Running on
> > Solaris 450mhz sparc system and perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3), I've
> > noticed from 'top' that the memory usage grows quite steadily. The SIZE and
> > RES values keep growing > 30M. Could there be some sort of memory leak
> > happening?
> Could be. I guess I need to check this again :-(
> I'll get back to you on that one.
> > Another issue is I came across one message that is taking 5 minutes for
> > SpamAssassin to scan (I timed it using 'spamassassin -t'). On a Linux AMD
> > system (450mhz) with same Perl version it takes about 1 minute to scan. I
> > am not sure why it is taking so long. I've put this raw mail file here if
> > its useful:
> >
> > http://www.cse.fau.edu/~valankar/41174942.msg.gz
> Never try and process emails over about 250K in size. If you do, you're going 
> to get what you expect - overgrown processes and long processing times.

Hello Matt,

Thanks, I've made these changes and the memory usage does not seem bad. It
still grows a little, reporting about 26M via top, but definitely not as bad
as before. I will do some tests with creating new Mail::SpamAssassin objects
instead of re-using one to see if there is any difference in memory usage.

I did come across a small message (about 80k), that just causes spamassassin
to hang. This message seems to have ALOT of blank lines in it. I've put it up


Didn't debug this much, but I did disable network checks and still the same
hang result with this message.

I am using SpamAssassin for a large domain which scans about 6 mails/sec via
multiple processes.  It works great, and I found that 7% of all incoming mail
in this domain is spam. Excellent work.



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