Calling spamassassin from procmail with the /usr/bin/perl solved the
problem. I still don't know why though. The #! line looks OK.


The prior version had:


BUT BOTH locations have exactly the same perl


On 22 Apr 2002, Jason Kohles wrote:

> > 
> I can't tell you why it's doing it, as I haven't upgraded yet, but these
> are the kinds of error messages you would get when trying to run a perl
> script with a shell interpreter, check and make sure you have a correct
> #! line in the script, or change procmail to use '/usr/bin/perl
> /usr/bin/SpamAssassin/spamassassin' instead of just calling
> spamassassin.
> -- 
> Jason Kohles                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Senior System Architect
> Red Hat Professional Consulting    

*  Doug Crompton           *
*  Richboro, PA 18954      *
*  215-431-6307            *
*                          *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]        *
*  *

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