Hello I have just joined the userbase of spamassassin, I have doing
some preeliminary tests with my spam collection. I was happy to
see that 50% of all spam I received is correctly identified as
SPAM, and most of the rest lies in the border of being marked as
SPAM (scoring around 4.1 ~ 4.9) by the default settings.

This rate would be greatly improved if there were rules specific
for Brazilian spam (which comes in portuguese most of the time).
Many of the english rules apply, it would be just a matter of
adapting the strings that are looked for.

Since I didn't find it anywhere I ask it here: Would it be a good
start trying to replicate the english tests, translate them and
assign them the same weights as the english equivalents? Since
there are not specific portuguese language tests in the rules
I guess that only using the tools provided for feeding the
genetic algorhythms with my false negatives would not contribute
much to the overall process...

What should I do? Adapt the current tests in the way I've stated
above and send the mods back to the development team? And after
that begin sending stats about my false positives...?


Eduardo Marcel Maçan            Gerente de Redes / Network Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Colégio Bandeirantes

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