Our mail server machine (i586 debian gnu/linux 128 MB RAM) crashed the
other day. Looking over the logs it appears we were spambombed..

12AM 4/15/02 - 12AM 4/16/02 - 7126 Messages received (about average)
12AM 4/16/02 - 9AM 4/16/02  - 28,084 Messages received

in a console before a slow-taking reboot there were many messages like:
spamd  <pid> Process out of memory

maybe this was because the mail server was just choking for memory and
so it cut every process short and spamd was one of the only ones
reporting the error. i'm not entirely sure, i just wonder if anyone's
had a similar issue. I run spamd like:
/usr/local/bin/spamd -qx -u mail &

and spamc from procmailrc like:

| /usr/local/bin/spamc -f

Thanks for any feedback.

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