On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 03:54:26PM -0600, Dan Wilson wrote:
> The one question I have was that I had it configured in my /etc/nsswitch.conf 
> to look at the files first:
> [dan@ryloth dan]$ grep ^hosts: /etc/nsswitch.conf 
> hosts:      files nisplus dns
> Why didn't it look at my /etc/hosts and find it there?
> /etc/hosts contents:
>       ryloth  localhost.localdomain   localhost
> No biggie if I can't get this answered, because it's working... 

Running "host" only looks at DNS since it's a tool that comes with BIND.
You need to use the system call gethostbyname() to do a name->IP lookup
using nsswitch.

I'm not sure why you have something doing DNS only and looking up
"localhost" as a name though.  I don't think SA is doing that.

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