We have recently upgraded from SA 2.01 to SA 2.11. 
We use a site-wide installation of SA on our SMTP gateway and
smapc is used by the MTA to call spamd.
I have noticed a problem with the new version of spamd.
When I look at the log file I no longer see lines of the type

spamd[9222]: clean message for qmailq:504 in   1 seconds.

but only line of the type

spamd[7820]: identified spam (11/5) for qmailq:504 in   0 seconds.

and the hits/threshold ratio (11/5) is always the same. Fortunately, spamd
do not consider all email as spam and it seems that the problem is
only a logging problem though I am not sure and the root of the problem
could have much more severe side effects.

Any ideas ?
Best regards,

SEGI, University of Liege
B26 - Sart Tilman
B-4000 Liege (Belgium)
VOICE: +32 (4) 3664977    
FAX:   +32 (4) 3662920               

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