Personally I think it's much easier to use cygwin to get both spamassassin 
and razor
to run on a win32 machine.  The benefit is that the install doesn't require 
any modification
of code, and it installs just like it would on a unix box, and you don't 
loose any functionality.

If you don't want to start a cygwin bash shell every time you want to run 
spamassassin or
razor you can just compile a wrapper program in C to execute the perl 
scripts.  Heck you
could even write a windows GUI that calls these programs silently and you 
wouldn't even
get the console window to popup.

The only problems I see are that:
1) Unless you already use cygwin for some reason, it's a pretty bulky 
install for just one application.
2) razor-discover seems to have a hard time discovering the servers.  This 
could be a problem on my
      machine only as I haven't looked into it at all.  (I just populate 
the .razor.lst manually).

If anyone wants to see the wrapper code that I've used, let me know.
BTW: I've done this, but I don't actually use it much.  I have a linux box 
that my mail goes through.


At 12:19 AM 4/15/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Message: 25
>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:18:05 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Michael Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [SAtalk] RFC: Running SpamAssassin on Win32
>Ok, I've put together my findings on porting SpamAssassin to Win32. I
>plan to post this as a HOWTO on an HTML web page at some point if it
>passes muster with you guys.

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