On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 09:02:18AM -0600, Dan Wilson wrote:
> SpamAssassin 2.11
> RH 7.2 Linux 2.4.7-10
> glibc 2.2.4 (someone mentioned this might be the problem)
> Qmail (although I haven't gotten to the qmail-scanner integration yet)
> I have downloaded the other packages (razor, qmail-scanner, etc) but I can't 
> get the first step to work. So there is no point in continuing

Well, it's not glibc in and of itself.  I've had SA running on a similar
setup for quite a while now.

How did you install the stuff?  I used the SRPM, compiled up the RPM
and installed it.

> I've got spamd working... (at least I think so).  When I stop spamd and try to 
> run something through spamc (spamc -c < sample-spam.txt), I get a 0/0 
> printed.  If spamd is running, it doesn't print anything.  I also removed the -
> c and the resulting email doesn't have any new header tags.

Hmmm.  It sounds like spamc can't talk to spamd.  just to check -- is
spamd running on port 783, and spamc trying to connect to 783 as well?
I seem to remember having a problem once where spamd had a port specified
to it via the rc script, and spamc just kept trying the default.  Don't
remember if that was an upgrade issue or a sysadmin-is-tired error. ;)

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"The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it
 back in your pocket." - Zen Musings

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