I don't think using -c and -x means much.  You are disabling per user 
config files with -x but wanting to create them if they don't exist.

Using -a in this case you will get a site-wide auto-whitelist, your 
error is occuring because the user id of spamd doesn't have write 
permissions where it's putting the auto-whitelist.

1.  use spamd -x -D
   by dropping the option to use a site-wide auto-whitelist you avoid 
the problem.
2.  use spamd -x -a -u spamduser -D
   if you do want a site-wide auto-whitelist you should specify a user 
for spamd to run as, and that user needs write permissions for the 
auto-whitelist file.

> :0fw
> | spamc
> :0
> * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
> /spamassassin/spam
> I'm launching spamd by hand to debug it : spamd -c -x -a -D
> Now when I try to send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the mail is passing
> through the smtp, then procmail make the rest... Spamc is connecting to
> spamd but before the end of the tests I've this error message in the spamd
> stdout debug : " Cannot create tmp lockfile
> //.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock : No such file or directory " (Where did
> it take this // directory???)

  Paul Rushing

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