On Tuesday 09 April 2002 08:16, Robert Leonard wrote:
> Is there any way to use SpamAssassin in cooperation with Microsoft Exchange
> Server?  My company uses MS Exchange Server exclusively for mail, I'd love
> to sit a linux box in front of it to catch all the spam and forward on the
> real mail.. but I don't see any documentation that specifically mentions
> this..
> Thanks
> -Robert

We did this where I work. Its fairly easy:

I setup qmail and qmail-scanner as our front-end.

domaina.net is the domain.

boxa.domaina.net is the primary MX for domaina qmail recognizes domaina.net
as a rcpthost. Then in the /var/qmail/controls/smtproutes file I put:

domaina.net:exchange.privatenetaddy.net (private net is behind a firewall).

oh and on exchange you tell it to route all mail through your qmail server.

Fairly easy if you can grok my very paraphrased setup. If you need more maybe
I'll write a how-to for it.


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