Charlie Watts wrote: CW> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:31:02 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) CW> From: Charlie Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CW> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CW> Subject: [SAtalk] AWL as loophole CW> CW> I may have posted about this yesterday, but if so - I don't see that I CW> did. CW> CW> I'm starting to get more and more spam that is From: and To: my address. CW> This stuff is ending up in my Inbox because the AWL loves me. It would CW> otherwise be tagged.
There is of course no way to know whether the email really is from the from address, which is what the AWL triggers on. This is to some extent a flaw in the AWL, but those are the tradeoffs for the reduction in false-positives the AWL provides. Checking if From/To are the same before using AWL would not be all that effective; people frequently Cc themselves. Imagine the following: From: Craig Hughes To: Charlie Watts, Craig Hughes Now, do we run that through the AWL? How about: From: Craig Hughes To: Craig Hughes Cc: Charlie Watts of From: Craig Hughes To: Craig Hughes Cc: Craig's Friend Bcc: Charlie Watts ? C _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]