Nick Rothwell wrote:

>...and I've had half a dozen copies now...
Yes, that's always a risk when they don't say much. I got that spam, 
too, and noticed that they have a random string at the bottom to evade 
signature tests like Vipul's Razor. We subscribe to some commercial 
anti-spam services, and this triggered on Spamcop and SUBJ_HAS_SPACES, 
but this wasn't enough. I was looking at the test for tracker IDs

rawbody TRACKER_ID        /^\W{4,6} (?:[a-z]{10,}|[A-Z]{10,}) \W{4,6}\s*$/
describe TRACKER_ID        Incorporates a tracking ID number

and it doesn't seem adequate to the task of looking for these kind of 
things. What do people think about maybe adding an aspell test for words 
on lines by themselves?

          "We are smarter individually." -- Larry Niven


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