spamc is started without any command line options and spamd is started
with the '-d -c -a -F0' options.

I am not using SQL.

The only configuration file changes that I made are to the
file /etc/mail/spamassassin/

Below are the contents of my

# SpamAssassin rules file, site-wide preferences.  Also
see /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/
# The format is easy to grok:
#   report line-of-spam-report-text
#       (some template items supported are:)
#       _HITS_: the number of hits the message triggered
#       _REQD_: the required hits to be considered spam
#       _SUMMARY_: the full details of what hits were triggered
#       _VER_: SpamAssassin version
#       _HOME_: SpamAssassin home URL
#   header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME   header op pattern
#       (The operations allowed (so far) are: =~  and: !~)
#       (header can be 'ALL', which returns the text of all headers)
#       (note that non-appearing headers are returned as the
string 'undef')
#   header SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME   eval:name_of_eval_method([args])
#   body SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME     /pattern/modifiers
#       (Evaluated for each text or HTML line in the message body.
#       If you plan to use the default weight (1), you can omit the
#       SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME and just use "." instead.
#   body SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME     eval:name_of_eval_method([args])
#       (this is evaluated for the entire message body, not for each line)
#   full SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME     /pattern/modifiers
#       (Evaluated for the entire message body as one string.
#       If you plan to use the default weight (1), you can omit the
#       SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME and just use "." instead.
#   full SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME     eval:name_of_eval_method([args])
#       (this is evaluated for the entire message, headers and all)
#   describe SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME Textual description of test
#       (body pattern tests don't require a description.)
# # starts a comment, whitespace is not significant.

# Commercial Blacklists.
# Free for personnal use, except of SpamCop.

score RCVD_IN_RBL                    10
score RCVD_IN_RSS                    1
score RCVD_IN_DUL                    1
score RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET         4

# Default whitelists.  These should be addresses which send mail that

whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> what options are you running spamd and spamc with?   Are you using SQL?
> Vincent Aniello wrote:
>> I am trying to run SpamAssassin v2.20 using spamd via spamc
>> in /etc/procmailrc.  I am running spamd as root so that spamd has
>> access to the .spamassassin directory in my users' home directories.
>> When the message is processed by spamd the following message appears
>> in my mail log:
>> spamd[21924]: Still running as root: user not specified, not found, or
>> set to root.  Fall back to nobody.
>> As the nobody user spamd cannot write to the .spamassassin in the
>> users' home directories.
>>>From reading the spamd README I was under the impression that spamd
>> change to the recipient's UID before trying to access the
>> .spamassassin directory.  Is this correct?
>> Is this a problem with SpamAssassin or my config?
>> Any help would be appreciated.

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