Hey Miles,

On Sat, 2002-04-06 at 00:44, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Maybe somebody can help me with the following:
> - I've just installed spamassassin 2.11 on my machine (Sun, Solaris)
> - it works from the command line
> - it works as a filter when I pipe from within Pine
> - but, when I stick the recommended rule into .procmailrc, things break

Try this rule (it works on freebsd 4.5-stable with postfix as mta,
procmail v3.22:

## Fire off SA
* !^X-Loop: ${LOGNAME}@{$HOST}
| /usr/bin/spamassassin -P


## Now lets see what SA found

* !^X-Loop: ${LOGNAME}@{$HOST}
* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES


Nils Vogels             PGP:0xC26BD15F Available on keyservers.
S@H:3741WU/5.214yr      --> setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu. Will you find

My other computer is your windows box.

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