Hi there Paul.  I'm currently maintaining the SpamAssassin project for Justin 
Mason while he's off on vacation.  He's the guy, by the way, who jokingly put 
the "profit is dirty" message on his webpage.

I got pointed to your webpage http://www.talkbiz.com/assassin.html and went 
there to read it.  I thought I'd point out your page is factually innacurate in 
a few places:

1. SpamAssassin does not block mail.  There is no facility for blocking or 
bouncing mail in SpamAssassin, and blocking or bouncing is highly discouraged 
both in the documentation, and on the SpamAssassin mailing list.  All examples 
of using SpamAssassin suggest having SpamAssassin mark messages it believes are 
spam, and then *deliver them anyway*, letting the human user read the message 
and decide for themselves if it's really SPAM before it's deleted.  In cases 
where people have the mail filed off to a separate folder, we strongly urge them 
to tell their users to regularly check their SPAM folders to ensure that nothing 
got misfiled.

2. Not having a Reply-to header is not a rule.  Having a Reply-to header which 
has no address in it is the rule I think you're referring to.  That's certainly 
a lot more unusual, and is a strong sign that the person sending the email wants 
to make it hard for people to respond to the message.  No legitimate email 
program that I know of allows users to send emails with empty Reply-to headers.  
Not missing, empty.

3. You do eventually get around to mentioning that any individual rule of the 
ones you mention won't cause an email to be flagged as spam.  The scoring system 
SpamAssassin uses is optimized to detect combinations of rules being triggered 
in ways that signal a message is spam.  Unsubscribe instructions alone won't do 
it.  Just having a tollfree number in the message won't do it.  Merely having 
your subject in ALL CAPS won't do it.  Combining lots of these things will do 
it.  And then, under the default configuration, the message subject will just 
get tagged to indicate that SpamAssassin thinks the message is spam.  Nothing 
gets deleted or bounced.

4. SpamAssassin exposes many different ways for ISPs to ensure that their 
individual users can control the way their incoming mail is analyzed.  
Everything from letting users set their own thresholds through letting users 
provide their own whitelists/blacklists for people they do/don't want to receive 
mail from, through allowing them to set the scores they want to assign to 
individual rules (including 0 to disable a rule if they want).  In all of the 
installations I know of, these controls are exposed to users, and the ISP makes 
it very clear to users how to make use of those systems.  If you know of ISPs 
that do not allow their users to do this, I agree they should, and I'd be happy 
to join you in urging them to be more considerate of their customers.

In addition to the above factual errors in your essay, you take a very 
defamatory tone against the "author of the package".  I am one of the authors of 
the package, and while like you, I'm not an attorney, I strongly suspect you're 
verging on libel, if you haven't in fact crossed the line.  I'm not a litigious 
person by nature, and I do occasionally go off on rants about things myself, but 
I just want to try and make it clear to you that while I'm at the helm of the 
SpamAssassin project, I will continue to endeavor to make sure that SpamAssassin 
minimizes tagging of nonspam as spam.  We make very strong efforts in that 
direction already, far surpassing most of the filters out there, commercial and 
free, in terms of not triggering accidentally on legitimate mail.  I am aware 
that the package is not perfect, and that it never will be, but I continue to 
strive for improvement, with features like automatic whitelisting which mean 
that regular correspondent's emails won't be tagged as SPAM if they send the 
occasional spammy-looking message; by improving the genetic algorithm that 
calculates the scores to be assigned to each rule; by refining the corpus to 
extend the amount of business-related email used in calculating the scores for 
the rules; by working constructively with legitimate bulk-mailers to tweak the 
rules in ways which allow their subscriptions to get through.  The overall tone 
of your essay indicates I'm some kind of raving anti-spam bigot who's intent on 
enforcing his will on the world's email.  That simply is not true, and such 
implications are somewhat defamatory.  I'm a well respected and succesful 
capitalist and democrat (political process, not necessarily politcal party), 
with a strong background in both technology and marketing.  I used to be the CTO 
of a succesful .com marketing company, and am currently working in market 

I would be much obliged if you would amend your web page to reflect more 
accurately my attitudes, beliefs, and work.  If you do not do so, I will take it 
as a sign of malice, and will proceed accordingly.  Also, if you would like to 
contact me in the future to double-check the accuracy of anything you'd like to 
publish, I'd be very happy to help you out, rather than having to reply after 
the fact.


Craig Hughes

Spamassassin-talk mailing list

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