
I've recently discovered that one of my web/mail hosting services has 
installed SA, but not site-wide.  I have SSH access and ftp access to this 
server (normal user, not root), and can verify that spamassassin is working 
properly from the commandline.

I believe we are using procmail for mail delivery, but I don't know how to 
set up SA for individual users.  Here's a breakdown of our file tree:

    etc., etc.

POP users are created through a relatively standard virtual hosting control 
panel, and their files end up in the tree above.

My question is, how can I setup SA to work in our configuration?

I have created a .procmailrc file in both /home/my_user_name and 
/home/my_user_name/mail/test_user to test SA on this test_user's POP account 
(mine).  I sent a sample spam message to this account, and it was delivered 
w/ apparently no SA processing.  When I ran spamassassin -t on this file 
(inbox), it processed the file correctly and the output declared the 
contents as spam.

My .procmailrc contains this and nothing else:
| /usr/bin/spamassassin -P

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

The path to spamassassin is correct.

Any suggestions out there?  Am I barking up the completely incorrect tree?  
Is there an easy way to verify that we are actually using procmail? etc.


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