On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 01:33:58AM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:
> I'd say it's extremely unlikely to occur in anything other than a
> Formail-generated email, or any discussion of Formail-generated emails. 
> In the corpus, it appears 6 times in nonspam, and 435 times in spam. 
> All the nonspam instances are bugtraq postings, which might want to be
> removed from the corpus anyway.

It's true that it's unlikely to show up as non-spam, unless you happen to be
someone who has a web site with a formmail CGI on it that mails to you...

See http://bugzilla.spamassassin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=127

I thought the GA wasn't supposed to score anything higher than 4?


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