At 09:40 AM 4/4/2002 +0100, Nigel Metheringham wrote:
>On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 05:23, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> > BTW, a serious question. Do you any of you know if on a Cisco router
> > it is possible to do transparent redirection for SMTP?
>Yes - you use policy routing.  You need a box to accept the SMTP
>sessions as the next hop

I need the same answer from the other end of the spectrum.  I'm working on 
a complementary antispam technique ( and I'm fairly close to 
a working prototype on UNIX boxes.  Unfortunately, I need to make this 
thing work on Windows and Macintosh and what I need is the ability to 
intercept SMTP/pop 3/IMAP traffic and modify the datastream.  Ordinary 
proxies don't work as well because a user may have multiple e-mail accounts 
each with their own SMTP/pop 3 addresses.  Most plug-in systems don't work 
well because they handle e-mail either too late or too early for camram.

so, any ideas would be welcome.


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