Not really mutually exclusive, just probably AWL won't behave the way
you expect...  It should be pretty easy to create a
for people who want AWL to store stuff in the SQL db.  I'm really pretty
surprised noone's done it and contributed it back yet.


On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 21:32, Paul Rushing wrote:
> no, auto-whitelist does not use the SQL database.  (only uses the dbm 
> file in the user home directory)
> in the current spamd it appears that SQL and AWL are mutually exclusive, 
> although that's not in the documentation.
> Larry Rosenman wrote:
> > If you are using SQL, does the auto-whitelist also make it into the SQL
> > database? 
> > 
> > If you are using the DB version of AWL, is there any way to LIST the
> > contents of the AWL for each user? 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > LER
> > 
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