Related to an earlier message I sent the list.  I'm working with a small
ISP to improve their spam handling.  I've got them on track to using
spamassassin very soon.  One of the issues is giving the users the
ability to report spam that is missed so that it can be reported.  We've
decided to handle this by having a mailbox that users will forward the
misses to as attachments, this ensure that we get full headers, etc. 
Now, how to make use of this.

My first idea has been to use mutt.  Frankly I'm not a mutt user
normally so I don't know a lot about it.  I've figured out enough to put
together the beginnings of a macro to simplify the reporting press to a
couple of keys per message, but I've kind of hit a wall and I'm
wondering if anyone else has already done this.  What I would really
like is to hit v in the index to get the list of attachment, pick the
attachment, hit enter, look it over to verify that I agree that it is
spam, then hit a single button which runs it through spamassassin -r
returns me to the index and deletes the message that was just handled
putting me in the right position to repeat for the next message.

I've gotten this pretty far but I'm getting stuck on bit where mutt
assumes that the piped command probably output something and waits for
you to hit enter to continue, anyone know how to get rid of that step?

Alternatively, I would be interested in hearing about how other people
have handled this situation.  I would like to point out that I have the
one stipulation that all messages are at least glanced at before
reporting so that false reports are less likely to slip through.


Ken Causey

Spamassassin-talk mailing list

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