So you've got it running on a LInix box?  I'm having a devil of a time 
gettig mail to be delivered after running ti through spamc on my Red Hat 
box.  Could you just check to see if my setup is the same as yours?

LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail/procmaillog.`date +%m-%d-%y`
| spamc -u $LOGNAME

This seems to filter mail through Spamassassin but then not deliver it 
after filtering it.  Using Sendmail/Procmail for mail on my machine.

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Kevin Cosgrove wrote:

>       Permissions are readable by all.  The test example you show 
>       works just fine.  It's only from procmail that spamrc doesn't
>       seem to connect to spamd [on my Solaris 2.8 box installed in
>       my account space].  The whole thing works just dandy installed
>       in system space on my Linux box and it catches tons of spam.
>       The Solaris box is at work and I get way more spam there -- 
>       they use some spam filter on the Exchange server but when it's
>       turned up high enough to notice any reduction in spam it also
>       ends up trapping a lot of false good emails that are work 
>       related files from clients/vendors.
>       Thanks....
> On 29 March 2002 at 22:41, Rich Duzenbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check perms.  When I installed this puppy a few days back (Yep, a newbie), 
> the perms on the *.cf files were set in such a way that spamd could not 
> read them (readable only by root).  Once that was fixed spamc/spamd started 
> working.
> I also wound up changing the daemon line in the init script, as I didn't 
> want spamd running as root:
> daemon spamd -d -x -P -u spamd
> (the spamd user must exist for the -u switch)
> To test:
> cat sample-spam.txt | spamc | grep SPAM
> (should get a SPAM report)
> THEN, I started to play with the procmail files.
> So far my personal inbox spam recognition score is 96%.  Kudos to the SA 
> team, btw.
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Jeffrey Bacon               ===== =====
Network Administrator       "The Best Way ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ... to Start Your Day"

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