> -----Original Message-----
> From: CertaintyTech - Ed Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 2:42 PM
> To: Dallas Engelken; 'Gawain'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Maildrop/vpopmail with Spamassassin
> So what you are saying is that they can have custom settings
> thru their
> personal .mailfilter file but not thru their own user_prefs
> dir thru SA.
> Correct?

No.. you are calling spamc with the "-u $EXT@$HOST" flag.  This allows you
to start
spamd with the -x -q flags... like so

/usr/bin/spamd -x -q -F 0

This causes spamd to look up user settings in mysql.. you must supply the
database connectivity information in /usr/share/spamassassin/10_misc.cf

# cat 10_misc.cf | grep user_scores
user_scores_dsn         DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost
user_scores_sql_username        sa
user_scores_sql_password        ******

Now, taking a look at the database, you will see the user can store all most
of their settings in there... including whitelist/blacklists.

mysql> select * from userpref where username="[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
| username          | preference       | value               | prefid |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | whitelist_from   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |     31 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | whitelist_from   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |     32 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | rewrite_subject  | 1                   |     33 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | report_header    | 1                   |     34 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | defang_mime      | 0                   |     35 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | use_terse_report | 1                   |     36 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | required_hits    | 6                   |     37 |
19 rows in set (0.02 sec)

How do the users configure their info in the datbase you ask?  Well... thats
done via the web interface.  Check out
login: demo
password: test

Note.. I hacked up sa-user-admin-0.2.tar.gz to support virtual users... the
original was just username based, and the username column was defined as
varchar(8).  This needs to be extended to varchar(256), just because domain
names can be that large :)   I think I made a few other minor changes to
sa-user-admin, but cant recall them.


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