On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 09:09:41AM -0600, Stuart Luppescu wrote:
| I've got SpamAssassin working pretty well with MailScanner and Vipul's
| Razor, but I can't get any reports to appear in spam.

Have you tried looking at the raw message to see if a report is there?
For MIME messages the report gets stuck in the "null" block at the top
and doesn't get displayed in a mail reader.

| But still nothing. Is it because I'm using MailScanner to call
| SpamAssassin?

No idea.

| Is there any way I can get a report? (My users are having
| regular mail tagged as spam and they want an explanation.)

Just for debugging, you could take the message and manually pipe it
through SA to see what it says.

| Also, if I get a report produced, will the added text interfere with
| reporting hashes of found spam to Vipul's Razor? 

If you use SA to do the reporting, no.  It will clear out its munging



In the way of righteousness there is life;
along that path is immortality.
        Proverbs 12:28

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