On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 02:06:57PM -0000, Tony Hoyle wrote:
> I can't see how this can work...
> Spammers will simply put in a special case for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' so
> they don't send to it.
> Malicious people will subscribe things like mailing lists to it.  All I
> would
> have to do to get the SA list on this would be to send a subscribe request
> with
> the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address - the confirmation email would be enough to get
> on the blocklist.

This is an open relay check.  Since most open relays aren't run by the
spammer, they likely won't put in a block for that address.  Hell, they're
running an open relay, they probably don't know how to configure the thing to
block addresses.

If the spam-specific open relays were "smart", they'd do the normal thing
which is let the machine relay for specific addresses/domains/networks/IPs.
Then when it's checked for open-relayness from the outside, it'll look like a
properly configured server and they won't be put into these databases.
Arguably, the "smart" ones already do this due to the second sentence in the
first paragraph.

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