I'm currently building a solution to forward the spam to another server for our subscribers to later check if they so wish. So in doing this I set defang_mime 0 so that the email would make it to the spam server still in its original format other than the changed subject and the spam print out at the top of the message. The problem I see is that I still want the spam report to be printed out in the email which it is but because I have defang_mime 0 it is being printed out before the original Content-type header so its not showing up in the actually message. This isn't so much a big problem although some webmail clients I've seen do not show this report in the headers while outlook and a few mail apps will. But what I was wondering is would there be a way to either:
            a) Tack on the report after the original Content-type header has been set
            b) Tack on the report to the end of the mail message
I'm not seeing any other problems with interacting with how I am setting up SpamAssassin, but it would be nice to let the users see the report so they can adjust there settings without them having to search for the report.
Brandon Floyd
Arkansas iNET LLC

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