This piece of message body (no header text advertising it) came in
this morning and was caught.  However, I figure if they're advertising,
we may as well have a rule to catch the mailer's name. ;)

----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----

The following message was sent by Cute Email Sender V4.0,
it's a powerful bulk email sender, send out your emails 
including images,sounds and movies easily and speedily. many 
fast & anonymous smtp servers provide to you for free! 
you can download it from:  or
Cute Email Sender is a powerful email marketing tool, 
download it now and enjoy a good software:

----- End forwarded message -----

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"Remember:  The difference between something that might go wrong and
 something that can't possibly go wrong is that something that can't
 possibly go wrong is impossible to fix."      - Peter Sagerson

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