Not using Exim here.  Am I getting closer with the following?

To =~ /^<?undisclosed.recipient?:\s*;>?$/i

At 12:52 PM Tuesday, 3/19/2002, dman wrote -=>
>On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 09:10:08AM -0500, Greg Ward wrote:
>| On 18 March 2002, Ed Kasky said:
>| > I am in the process of learning regex and have a question if someone 
>has a
>| > minute....
>| >
>| > Based on the following headers, is this the correct addition to
>| >
>| >
>| > header UNDISC_RECIP            To =~ /^Undisclosed-Recipient*:\s*;$/
>| > describe UNDISC_RECIP          Valid-looking To "Undisclosed-Recipient"
>| No, that's wrong.  For one thing, it'll match
>| "Undisclosed-Recipientttttt", and it *won't* match
>| "<Undisclosed-Recipient:;>" as in your example spam.
>A simpler approach :
>If you're using exim 3 put
>     headers_check_syntax = true

Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
. . . . . . . .
~ The only thing infinite is our capacity for self-deception. ~

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