All in good fun, I suppose. :-) I have a signature that scores about 30 points in spamassassin, but this is ridiculous.
Hmm, I wonder how many of you won't even see this message. ----- Forwarded message from the Troll under the Belltown Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- From: the Troll under the Belltown Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 06 Mar 2002 17:18:19 -0800 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: SPAM: 213.50 [!CrackMonkey!] SpamAssassin this, MOFO!!! ADV: Your Membership Exchange order -- Question to eBay seller g.r.a.p.e? Organization: WoozleWorks ( X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=213.5 required=5.0 tests=ORDER_STATUS,YR_MEMBERSHIP_EXCH,PLING,SUBJ_ENDS_IN_Q_MARK,PLING_PLING,ADVERT_CODE,SUBJ_HAS_SPACES,Q_FOR_SELLER,DEAR_FRIEND,DEAR_SOMEBODY,FREE_CONSULTATION,ADDRESSES_ON_CD,DIRECT_EMAIL,INCREASE_SALES,ASKS_BILLING_ADDRESS,MASS_EMAIL,STRONG_BUY,WANTS_CREDIT_CARD,TRACE_BY_SSN,ONLINE_BIZ_OPS,MONEY_MAKING,MICRO_CAP_WARNING,OPT_IN,SOCIAL_SEC_NUMBER,CHECK_OR_MONEY_ORDER,YOU_HAVE_BEEN_SELECTED,FOR_FREE,EMAIL_MARKETING,CASHCASHCASH,NO_QS_ASKED,PURE_PROFIT,FREE_PRIORITY_MAIL,BILLION_DOLLARS,FULL_REFUND,LIMITED_TIME_ONLY,VIAGRA,GUARANTEE,ONE_HUNDRED_PC_FREE,STOCK_PICK,PROFITS,CALL_NOW,CALL_FREE,OPPORTUNITY,LASER_PRINTER,ONE_HUNDRED_PC_GUAR,AMAZING,BRAND_NEW_PAGER,BUGGY_CGI,BUGGY_CGI_PT,BUGGY_CGI_DE,BUGGY_CGI_DE_3,BUGGY_CGI_ES,BUGGY_CGI_ES_2,REPLY_REMOVE_SUBJECT,REMOVE_SUBJ,SUBJ_REMOVE,REMOVE_IN_QUOTES,EXCUSE_1,EXCUSE_2,EXCUSE_3,EXCUSE_4,EXCUSE_6,EXCUSE_8,EXCUSE_9,SECTION_301,S_1618,EU_200_32_CE,PARA_A_2_C_OF_1618,BILL_1618,SENT_IN_COMPLIANCE,ONE_TIME_MAILING,PRODUCED_AND_SENT_OUT,INTL_EXEC_GUILD,ANOTHER_NET_AD,COMMUNIGATE,AUTO_EMAIL_REMOVAL,FILTERED_BY_WORLDREMOVE,LINE_OF_YELLING,HTML_WITH_BGCOLOR,SLIGHTLY_UNSAFE_JAVASCRIPT,REALLY_UNSAFE_JAVASCRIPT,JAVASCRIPT,SPAM_FORM_RETURN,SPAM_FORM,HTTP_ESCAPED_HOST,HTTP_WITH_EMAIL_IN_URL,HTTP_USERNAME_USED,NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP,LONG_NUMERIC_HTTP_ADDR,NUMERIC_HTTP_ADDR,RAZOR_CHECK version=2.11 SPAM: ---- Start SpamAssassin results SPAM: 213.5 hits, 5 required; SPAM: * 1.3 -- Subject looks like order info SPAM: * 4.2 -- Subject contains 'Your Membership Exchange' SPAM: * 1.0 -- Subject has an exclamation mark SPAM: * 0.0 -- Subject: ends in a question mark SPAM: * 0.6 -- Subject has lots of exclamation marks SPAM: * 1.7 -- Subject: contains advertising tag SPAM: * 2.5 -- Subject contains lots of white space SPAM: * 1.0 -- Subject is an eBay question SPAM: * -0.2 -- BODY: How dear can you be if you don't know my name? SPAM: * -0.5 -- BODY: Contains 'Dear Somebody' SPAM: * 4.6 -- BODY: Offers a free consultation SPAM: * 1.2 -- BODY: Only thing addresses on CD are useful for is SPAM SPAM: * 1.2 -- BODY: Talks about direct email SPAM: * -1.3 -- BODY: Offers increased sales SPAM: * 0.7 -- BODY: Asks for a billing address SPAM: * 1.1 -- BODY: Talks about mass email SPAM: * 6.1 -- BODY: Tells you about a strong buy SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Asks for credit card details SPAM: * 2.9 -- BODY: Talks about tracing by SSN SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Wants you to do business online SPAM: * 4.3 -- BODY: Discusses money making SPAM: * 6.1 -- BODY: SEC-mandated penny-stock warning -- thanks SEC SPAM: * 2.0 -- BODY: Talks about opting in SPAM: * 3.6 -- BODY: Talks about social security numbers SPAM: * 3.8 -- BODY: Talk about a check or money order SPAM: * 3.2 -- BODY: "You have been selected as a finalist", sure SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: No such thing as a free lunch SPAM: * 2.0 -- BODY: Talks about email marketing SPAM: * -0.8 -- BODY: Contains at least 3 dollar signs in a row SPAM: * 4.9 -- BODY: Doesn't ask any questions SPAM: * 4.9 -- BODY: Profit is dirty, not pure SPAM: * 2.1 -- BODY: There's no such thing as a free shipping SPAM: * 4.7 -- BODY: Talks about lots of money SPAM: * 2.8 -- BODY: Offers a full refund SPAM: * 3.3 -- BODY: Offers a limited time offer SPAM: * 1.5 -- BODY: Plugs Viagra SPAM: * 3.3 -- BODY: Contains word 'guarantee' in all-caps SPAM: * 2.2 -- BODY: No such thing as a free lunch SPAM: * 2.7 -- BODY: Offers a stock pick SPAM: * -0.2 -- BODY: Contains word 'profits' in all-caps SPAM: * 2.9 -- BODY: Urges you to call now SPAM: * 2.2 -- BODY: Contains a tollfree number SPAM: * -0.7 -- BODY: Gives information about an opportunity SPAM: * 3.9 -- BODY: Discusses laser printer supplies SPAM: * 3.3 -- BODY: One hundred percent guaranteed SPAM: * 3.1 -- BODY: Contains word 'AMAZING' SPAM: * 4.9 -- BODY: No such thing as a free lunch SPAM: * 5.0 -- BODY: Broken CGI script message SPAM: * 4.0 -- BODY: Broken Portuguese CGI script message SPAM: * 4.0 -- BODY: Broken German CGI script message SPAM: * 4.0 -- BODY: Broken German CGI script message (3) SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Broken Spanish CGI script message SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Broken Spanish CGI script message (2) SPAM: * 4.6 -- BODY: List removal information SPAM: * 4.5 -- BODY: List removal information SPAM: * -0.5 -- BODY: List removal information SPAM: * 2.1 -- BODY: List removal information SPAM: * 2.1 -- BODY: Gives a lame excuse about why you were sent this SPAM SPAM: * 3.5 -- BODY: Claims you actually asked for this SPAM SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Claims you can be removed from the list SPAM: * 4.1 -- BODY: Claims you can be removed from the list SPAM: * 1.6 -- BODY: Claims you can be removed from the list SPAM: * 4.4 -- BODY: Claims you can be removed from the list SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Claims you can be removed from the list SPAM: * 1.6 -- BODY: Claims compliance with SPAM regulations SPAM: * 0.9 -- BODY: Claims compliance with senate bill 1618 SPAM: * 1.0 -- BODY: Claims compliance with SPAM regulations SPAM: * 6.0 -- BODY: Claims compliance with senate bill 1618 SPAM: * 2.0 -- BODY: Claims compliance with senate bill 1618 SPAM: * 0.5 -- BODY: Claims compliance with SPAM regulations SPAM: * 1.3 -- BODY: 'one time mailing' doesn't mean it isn't spam SPAM: * 6.8 -- BODY: Tells you it's an ad SPAM: * 3.5 -- BODY: Well known SPAM senders SPAM: * 3.0 -- BODY: Tells you it's an ad SPAM: * -0.4 -- BODY: Communigate is SPAM software SPAM: * 3.9 -- BODY: Claims auto-email removal SPAM: * 4.0 -- BODY: Claims to listen to some removal request list SPAM: * 2.7 -- BODY: A WHOLE LINE OF YELLING DETECTED SPAM: * 1.6 -- BODY: HTML mail with non-white background SPAM: * 1.3 -- BODY: JavaScript code which can easily be executed SPAM: * 1.1 -- BODY: Auto-executing JavaScript code SPAM: * 0.1 -- BODY: JavaScript code SPAM: * 3.5 -- BODY: Form for checking email address SPAM: * 0.1 -- BODY: Form for changing email address SPAM: * 1.8 -- BODY: Uses %-escapes inside a URL's hostname SPAM: * 1.8 -- BODY: 'remove' URL contains an email address SPAM: * 0.8 -- BODY: Uses a username in a URL SPAM: * 2.5 -- BODY: Uses a dotted-decimal IP address in URL SPAM: * 2.1 -- BODY: Uses a long numeric IP address in URL SPAM: * 2.5 -- BODY: Uses a numeric IP address in URL SPAM: * 3.0 -- Listed in Razor, see SPAM: SPAM: ---- End of SpamAssassin results Dear Friend Lingu, You have been selected as a finalist! Have you received your check or money order for FREE??? Money making opt-in direct email online business opportunities to increase traffic to your mass email marketing of social security numbers allow you to trace anyone by social security number and addresses on cd. This is a strong buy sock alert! Investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative, but credit card orders sent to your billing address by Cyber FirePower could INCREASE SALES of FREE CONSULTATION! OPPORTUNITY FOR A PURE PROFIT STOCK PICK! BRAND NEW Pager FREE WITH VIAGRA LASER PRINTER SUPPLIES! AMAZING GUARANTEE OF PROFITS--NO QUESTIONS ASKED! FULL REFUND, 100% FREE, 100% GUARANTEED! FREE PRIORITY MAIL SHIPPING FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! MILLION DOLLARS AWAIT--CALL NOW: 1-800-GAR-GARGAR, OR 1-888-GAR-GARGAR! $$$! !!!!!!! !! !! Below is the result of your feedback form Neue Mail aus dem Fitzshop Briefkasten Diese Mail wurde übertragen von Diese Daten wurden Ihnen von Ihrem OnlineFormular Aqui esta el resultado de su formulario E-mail adicional do usuario. Enviado Abaixo o resultado do preenchimento do Formulario <body bgcolor="000000 onload <SCRIPT LANGUAGE JavaScript onError <input name=submit type=submit value="Submit By Email"> reply remove subject "remove" return validate_form CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS IN ACTION OF FORM You were sent this message because you asked to be removed from requests to be taken off our mailing list. If you did not opt in and you wish to remove yourself, you have our pity. If you do not want to receive emails in the future, unplug your computer. To be removed, please hop up and down in anger. This one-time mailing message sent in compliance with: * Paragraph 1a2bC. of S. 1618, * Bill 1618 TITLE III * S. 1618-SECTION 301 * SECTION 301 * EU email directive 200.32.CE This ad is produced and sent out by: * StealthLaunch PopLaunch * http://0004567.8.9.10/?q=http:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Another Internet Ad campaign produced by: * International Executive Guild transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate Pro, and filtered by WorldRemove, Auto Email Removal. _______________________________________________ CrackMonkey: Non-sequitur arguments and ad-hominem personal attacks ----- End forwarded message ----- -- THIS IS NOT SPAMASSASSIN BAIT! AMAZING GUARANTEE OR FULL REFUND Dear Friend: Use this live, wild and spunky signature to opt-in to the spamassassin mass email blocker. Call now: 1-800-STOP-SPAM or visit http://123.456.789.10/remove?font=3E _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]