On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Greg Ward wrote:
> On 01 March 2002, Matthew Cline said:
>> Even if this is a good idea (is it?), I don't know how to go about
>> getting the user's email adress. If it's the user who's invoking SA,
>> there might be some way to get the info from the environment, but I
>> want to do it in a platform independant manner. And if it's being
>> invoked by a mailer server, or as a proxy, then I'm stumped. Anyone
>> have any ideas?
> Guessing someone's email address programmatically is utterly
> impossible. [1] 

You were right the first time. ;)

I have around three that are mine, currently, not counting the address
extension ones I use for various semi-likely things that want an email
address but that I don't trust to refuse to sell it on.[1]

Anyway, this is a reduction on the number I had before I lost my job.
Counting the two company names, the three countries and the two naming
styles I had a total of 12 different addresses there...

> The only solution is to add a config variable where the user specifies
> his address; if you don't have it, you can't use your special code.

...and if your code can guess all the possible email addresses that I
receive thing on through this laptop I will be very impressed. :)


[1]  Oddly, this seems fairly effective. I think most SPAM tools refuse
     to send to 'daniel+something@...', believing it invalid. :)

Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at
the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good-looking,
well-groomed and unaggressive.
        -- Leslie M. McIntyre

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