* Duncan Findlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-04T20:19-0800]:
> This is signed - mutt style. (I'm not really sure how this turns out in
> other MUA's. I think it's a multpart mime message.

multipart/signed, and apparently not matched by the rawbody
PGP_SIGNATURE rule in SA 2.11.  Maybe an additional rule?

rawbody  PGP_MIME_SIGNATURE /^Content-Type: application\/pgp-signature$/
describe PGP_MIME_SIGNATURE Contains a PGP-signed MIME message

Jeremy Mates                                        http://www.sial.org/

OpenPGP: 0x11C3D628  (4357 1D47 FF78 24BB 0FBF 7AA8 A846 9F86 11C3 D628)

Attachment: msg01863/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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