> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Cline [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 04 March 2002 06:37
> Subject: [SAtalk] check_for_spam_reply_to() questions
> I'm guessing that there's places that either have different 
> TLDs in their 
> Reply-To (sent from "foobar.com" and reply to "foobar.net"), 
> or have slightly 
> different general domains (sent from "foobar1.com" and reply to 
> "foobar2.com").  How common is this?  How many false 
> positives would be 
> gotten if the domain names were compared for complete equality?
I expect you'd get a lot - my mailserver identifies itself as being
in .co.uk, and accepts mails fo me as a .tv, .org, .com, and .org.uk.  This
isn't a particularly unusual setup. 

Mailing lists commonly use Reply-To when they're set to reply to
the list, so their reply-to addresses will be totally different to
their from addresses.


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