rODbegbie writes:
>Quoting William R Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> There are "whitelist_from" and "whitelist_to" but "blacklist_from" is
>> the only form for blacklist.  I'd like to propose that "blacklist_to"
>> would be a good idea.  Is there a reason why this is not there?
>There is a sneaky work-around...  If you are just using
>"whitelist_to" and not any of the other whitelist levels, you can
>create an entry in your config called "all_spam_to" in a similar
>format to the other whitelist entires, then add:
>score USER_IN_ALL_SPAM_TO       25
>(I use 25 as an arbitary figure to push it very close to the
>auto-report value.  Then other spammy characteristics should push it

Thanks, but that won't work for me; I do use whitelist_from as well.

I haven't examined the code, but it seems unlikely to me that adding
"blacklist_to" would be all that difficult...


William R Ward            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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