I've come across a problem in the spamc/spamass-milt combo when sending large mail messages (>2MB in my case).
>From what I can see, the way spamc works is that a message is passed to it on stdin, then stdin is closed. After stdin is closed, spamc sends it to spamd for processing. It looks like spamc starts to send back the (unprocessed, yes I know. I got the size limitation part) message before stdin is closed, and data is still coming in on stdin. This leads to a deadlock when the pipes are full - both spamc and its parent are blocking on their write() calls. - Now, is this a problem with spamc or with spamc's parent? - Should spamc only start sending back the message after stdin is closed, or is it allowed to send it back anytime? - Should spamc be patched to use select() during the problematic read()s and write()s? Thanks, Michael (Please cc: me on replies, I'm not on the list.) -- Michael Brown | Sentio aliquos togatos Systems Administrator | contra me conspirare. +1 519 888 7111 x2339 GPG key: | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0x527670C0 | _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk