On 26 Feb 2002, Craig Hughes moaned:
> FYI, your code example is not even close to concurrency-safe.  If one

Oh, it's an astonishing kludge written in haste and isn't meant to be

What's more, it doesn't help :(

Further testing indicates that it's the previous state of the db that's
at fault; a tiny script that just ties to the DB_File as spamassassin
does and then unties works if it is given an empty database from a
previous tie/untie call-pair, but falls over (with the silly incorrect
error message) if it's handed a database of the kind that, say,
spamassassin under the control of t/db_based_whitelist.t creates.

I'm going to gdb my way through libdb-2.7.7; I'm fairly sure that it's
that and not spamassassin at fault, now.

Sorry for the false alarm.

> instance checks (-f $path) and finds no file, then context switches, and
> instance #2 performs the same check, then both instances will try to
> create a new file, and you'll probably end up with some weird mangled DB
> file.

I seem to be getting a pretty mangled db file as it is, even with only
one instance and the testbeds :(

`Frankly I wonder whether you are not writing your posts from underneath a
 bridge.' --- Jason Clifford, to a particularly dense troll

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