I have 3 e-mail boxes all configured exactly the same with qmail,
qmail-scanner, and SA.  The boxes work fine all things considered but I do
have 1 problem.

On 2 of my boxes, when I edit local.cf and change required_hits to 7, it
doesn't take.  When I check my spam reports it still tells me that the
required hits is only 5.

On my other box this change takes with no problems.  So I figure I have
something wrong with local.cf, maybe some trailing white space where there
shouldn't be any, or something like that.  So I used scp to move local.cf
from the box that is working to the 2 boxes that are not.

It still doesn't take the change.

Even though required_hits isn't working, I can still change everything else
and those changes take.  I've been able to whitelist folks and I've been
able to change what it uses to alter the subject line and that change takes.

The only thing that doesn't seem to work in local.cf is required_hits.

Anybody ever see anything like this before?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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