----- Original Message -----
From: "Landy Roman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "spam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 12:54 AM
Subject: [SAtalk] what is this

> Failed to run header SpamAssassin tests, skipping some: In string,
> @cs now must be written as \@cs at (eval 7) line 219,
> near "foo649@cs" Global symbol "@cs" requires explicit
> package name at (eval 7) line 219.
> any idea what is this failed to run header thing:
> i mean my user pref is working but i see this failed would like to
> know what it is;  i have the following
> in .spamassassin/user_prefs
> header FROM_foo From =~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
> describe FROM_foo  I know her
> scroe FROM_foo  -10

Well, do what Perl asks of you: escape the @ sign. And the dot too, while
you are at it:

header FROM_foo From =~ /foo649\@cs\.com/i

Congruent with normal regex format.

- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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